Financial Terminology Series -2
The idea of Fiscal policy has been populated by the British Economist John Maynard Keynes (1883 - 1946). He believed in that, Government could change economic conditions by making adjustments in tax rate and government spending.
Government or Regulators (i.e. RBI in India) to
control the economy, try to better unemployment rates, control
inflation, give stability to business cycles and impact interest rates.
Let we assume, the Indian market is witnessing Recession right
now, to fuel the economy govt. reduce the tax rate on individual earning as
well may be on goods and services also, in that case,
people will have more money to spend or invest as they are paying fewer taxes. Increase in consumer Investment or
spending will lead to economic growth.
The government can also
take another measure to increase the
sentiment by providing more Job opportunities, for example; by making more
flyovers, highways. As it will create
more job opportunities, automatically unemployment rate will go down.