Steps of Good Business Plan

1. VISION STATEMENT :  First look at the problem. The problem for which this plan is for? What problem are you solving? What is your broad vision? 

2. KEY PEOPLE : who are the key people in founding team? who are they & their past experience & expertise?

3. MARKET SIZE : Size of the market you would like to address, LARGE/SMALL/MEDIUM etc.!!!!! Growth rate of  your MARKET, how fast it is growing or will grow in future?  how much market share can your product can or hope to acquire?

4. OFFER : what is the product or service that you are offering ? how does it solve the problem of your target? whats the USP of your product or services? Describe the technology in short.

5. COMPETITION : Whose your current competitors or will be your future competitors? how your different from them? What could be the entry barrier for you; later on for your competitors?

6.  BUSINESS MODEL  What is your business model? who all will be affected by your solution and benefits they will get it from it? can the benefits be measured? how much you charge for the product/services?

7.  STAGE :  what is the current stage of the product /services and what is the road-map.?

8. GO-TO-MARKET STRATEGY : what is the your distribution strategy? what channels are looking to use? what partnerships will you need to establish? what if you are not able to get these partnership?

9. FINANCIALS : what are your financial projections? yearly financial projection up-to 3-5 years out which should be optimistic but realistic?  It should be a large enough opportunity to interest the investors.

10. AND LAST , how much money are you looking to raise? how long will it last? what will it be used for ? how much do you expect to raise in the future?

Although this is not the comprehensive list, but these are the few steps need to be consider while preparing the good & smart business plan.


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