Deal with ZEAL
G iven the present environment, individuals tend to be sceptical about their job prospects, which is not surprising. While the fear of not being able to find a job again is experienced by momentarily unemployed people, students who have just graduated go through the apprehension of having opted for the wrong area of specialisation. As Andrew Dyos, HR director operations, Vertex (UK & India) puts forth the above viewpoint, Prakash Shanware, president –HR, Ipca agrees, “The laid-off employees and fresh graduates are highly stressed and uncertain about when things will improve.” A Mateen, VP, HR, DHL Express-South Asia adds, “The loss of a job gives rise to a host of emotions that include confusion, despair and loss of self confidence.” But then, one has to move on and start looking for newer avenues and make the best of the situation. "The loss of a job gives rise to a host of emotions that include confusion, despair and loss of self confidence," A Mateen...